Training Your Furry FriendTraining Your Furry Friend

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Training Your Furry Friend

I was excited when my husband and I adopted our mixed breed dog Sammie a few years ago. She was friendly, beautiful, and smart. She was so friendly that she never wanted to stay at home. Whenever she saw our neighbors doing something in their yards, she always ran to see what they were up to. Unfortunately, her eagerness wasn’t always appreciated by our neighbors. If you have a free spirited furry friend like Sammie, consider enrolling him or her in a pet training course. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results. On this blog, you will learn how to locate the best pet training course offerings in your area.


The Benefits Of Taking Your Dog To A Professional Obedience Trainer

For many dog owners, having a well-behaved and obedient furry companion is a top priority. While some pet owners may attempt to train their dogs themselves, there are distinct advantages to enlisting the help of a professional obedience trainer. From addressing behavioral issues to enhancing the bond between you and your canine friend, investing in professional obedience training can yield numerous benefits for both you and your beloved pet. Behavioral Modification and Problem Solving Read More 

A Guide to Dog Training Methods

Training a dog is an essential part of responsible pet ownership. It instills good behaviors, strengthens the bond between owner and pet, and even keeps the dog mentally stimulated. There are several methods to pursue when it comes to dog training. Positive Reinforcement Training Positive reinforcement is one of the most popular training methods. It revolves around rewarding good behavior. When a dog performs a desired action, you reward them with a treat, praise, or a favorite toy. Read More 

Training Your New Puppy: From Housebreaking To Basic Commands

If you have recently adopted a new puppy, you might be wondering how to train them to be well-behaved and happy. Training your puppy is not only important for their safety and comfort but also for your peace of mind and enjoyment. Here are some tips and advice on how to train your new puppy, from housebreaking to basic commands. Housebreaking Your New Puppy One of the first things you need to teach your new puppy is where to do their business. Read More 

Properly Crate Training Your Puppy

If recently become the owner of a new puppy, and you are planning on using a crate to keep them inside during the nighttime hours and when you cannot watch your dog as necessary, training steps are needed to get your dog used to this enclosure. Your puppy will learn to accept staying in a crate after a bit of time. Here are some actions to take to help the process. Read More 

Do You Have A Dog In Your Residential Home? 3 Signs It’s Time To Train Them

Owning a dog is an exciting experience since they prevent you from feeling lonely and depressed by keeping you company. It also makes your home more fun since they are typically playful. Therefore, you should ensure that you provide a conducive environment for your dog. However, owning a dog can sometimes be challenging, especially if the dog is untrained, since they may become a nuisance. For example, your dog may begin to chew on things, like the sofa set and shoes, making you angry. Read More