Training Your Furry FriendTraining Your Furry Friend

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Training Your Furry Friend

I was excited when my husband and I adopted our mixed breed dog Sammie a few years ago. She was friendly, beautiful, and smart. She was so friendly that she never wanted to stay at home. Whenever she saw our neighbors doing something in their yards, she always ran to see what they were up to. Unfortunately, her eagerness wasn’t always appreciated by our neighbors. If you have a free spirited furry friend like Sammie, consider enrolling him or her in a pet training course. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results. On this blog, you will learn how to locate the best pet training course offerings in your area.


Tips For Effective Puppy Potty Training

When you bring home your new puppy, one of the first things on your priority list is housebreaking your dog so you don't have to worry about carpet stains or bad smells. You want to be able to trust that your puppy will do well indoors, even when you are not at home. Puppy potty training can be straightforward. Here are some tips to help make the process as smooth as possible.

1. Make sure your puppy has a crate.

Dogs may not seem like the cleanest animals to you, but they do have some instincts that help to protect them from disease. For example, most dogs will not soil the place where they sleep. Make sure you have a crate for your puppy that fits their size. A large crate means that your puppy could soil in one area and sleep in another. When your puppy is inside, put them in the crate at first. This is not a punishment. The crate is a place of refuge, rest, and safety for dogs. As soon as you take your puppy from the crate, take them outside to go to the bathroom. This way, your dog gets into the habit of going to the bathroom whenever they leave the crate after naps or after sleeping at night. 

2. Introduce your puppy to one room in the house until habits are secure. 

Keep your puppy in a small room that has access to the door you want them to use when they need to go to the bathroom. As your dog gets better at showing you they need to go, start to allow your dog into other rooms of the house. This way, your puppy doesn't have accidents in every room and they get used to using the same path to the door every time. 

3. Put your puppy on a consistent schedule immediately. 

Feed your puppy at the same every day. Crate your puppy at the same time each day. Play with your puppy at the same time each day. You might be noticing a pattern, but it is this pattern that can you get used to your dog's needs so you have a better chance of predicting when your dog will need to go. Take your dog outdoors after sleeping, before and after eating, and before and after playtime. You will also need to take your dog out at night as well. 

Contact a puppy trainer if you need more help.